Month: October 2021

Happiness Goal Anyone!

  You’ve likely heard the phrase, “Do what makes you happy” more than a few times. But, do you know what true happiness really is? And more importantly, do you know how… Read More

7 Ways to Incorporate Healing Strategies Into Everyday Life

7 Ways to Incorporate Healing Strategies Into Everyday Life The number one rule of healing is persistency and consistency. Just 5 minutes a day will maintain the goal. Seek a friend, a… Read More

Why Healing Is a Long-Term Journey

Why Healing Is a Long-Term Journey Our lives are like the strata of the Earth, containing all our experiences in our subconscious. The happy experiences are remembered and enjoyed and are of… Read More

Why I Wrote “Twisted Roots, Standing Tall”

Why I Wrote “Twisted Roots, Standing Tall” It is my belief that if a person decides to transform from their traumas, they will receive all the guidance, support and financial requirements to… Read More